Aiden has a fascination for the history of recorded music. He shares in the late 1960s mentality of ‘using the studio as an instrument’, inspired by legends like George Martin and Teo Macero. Aiden likes his music sounding raw and disorienting. Heavy saturation, mono reverbs, and hard panning are part of what makes a Wieben production. This style suits jazz, rock, soul, and hip hop, where the boldness of the mix can compliment confident, dynamic musicianship. He brings creativity and attention-to-detail to every level of the production process. Aiden believes great songs are made when each step, no matter how technical, is working for the glory of the music.

Aiden has completed a BA in Popular Music Studies at Western University. He gigs regularly in the London area, most notably as a guitarist in funk fusion band Juice Joint or as the a bassist for indie rock artist Sam Hansell. He is also an advisor on all things sound at Village Green Church. He is always open to working with new people and contributing to his local music scene in Southwestern Ontario.

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